Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

Firstly, huge congratulations to those who took part in the Northern team trial on Saturday as there were successes and examples of dedication throughout the day, not just from juniors winning on the water, but examples of selflessness which really epitomise what the club has come to stand for. Parents, supporters, coaches, athletes from other crews who didn’t have to rig, de-rig, lift, give jackets to, other members of the club make the success on the water even better. Some interesting statistics below and a report on each crew:

  • The club had 8 crews qualify to represent the Northern team, more than any club, ever.
  • The club had twice as many crews selected than the next most successful club.
  • Only two athletes have ever represented the region in the single from J14 to J16, one raced on Saturday.(Joseph Adamson) and the other Callum Clark, also a member of CLS.
  • Four of our crews beat the equivalent crews in the older age category that were also qualified.
  • We had more athletes than anyone at the trial, showing how many good athletes we have, and every single one of them was excellent.
    • WJ144x+ what an excellent performance from only their second ever race and to come second, and only 6 seconds of qualifying bodes well for the future.
    • WJ141x Warren, beat some of the wj15 scullers and was only six seconds off beating the j16 girl who qualified, and after a serious wrist injury too.
    • WJ142x Payne, the girls only had one session together in the double before this race and were brilliant. They finished well and rowed in the worst division.
    • WJ142x Hall, unbeaten all season…great row and after Emma missing some sessions with a niggly shoulder, great stuff.
    • MJ142x (super sub) this is the exact thing that I was referring to earlier, helping others out. Alexander Farley rowing with a boy from Sunderland in the third division.
    • WJ151x Molly Dowson, a brave row and what a great result, winning overall against probably the toughest field aside the wj154x’s. Her face in the pictures showed how well she raced.
    • WJ152x Forster, great racing from both girls, the fastest of the CLS doubles and deserved to do well, just missing out on qualifying though.
    • WJ152x Hall, after a very hard race in the 4x, both girls looked very cold when they boated but pressed on and showed how much they have moved on.
    • WJ152x Carey, after only one race together, both Sophie and Katie who had already raced in tough races earlier steered an excellent course.
    • WJ154+ Carey, when I saw these girls mid-week they looked as though they would put up a good fight in the race, but they just fell short on the day, though their technique has improved massively.
    • WJ154+ Turner, this crew with the girl from COS in were technically the best 4 on the water but just lost a little speed coming under the bridge.
    • WJ154x+ Hall, Arran and myself are genuinely gutted for these girls who only missed out by 1.4 seconds, in all of the photos they looked superb and with a new member of the crew in a key position too. The best is yet to come from this crew, one set back makes the winning better.
    • WJ154x+ COS Turner, again they looked very tidy and tried very hard after a difficult race in the four.
    • MJ154+ Dutton, this crew have had to overcome some problems in the build up with a few subs, but they narrowly missed out, not for the want of some good racing.
    • MJ154x+ this is the crew since Christmas that I have seen on the water the most, and that is why they won so emphatically, Peter has done wonders here. Consistency was key to their 16 second deserved win.
    • MJ164 these boys worked hard for this win and it’s great when you get an email from the opposition coach to say their boys are gutted and congratulations. What a win and great blade work photos.
    • MJ164x a composite that went very well and a great but risky race profile, something we are famed for, fly and die. The fly kept going here and they won by 1.6 secs.
    • MJ144x Roman has been working with some boys from DSBC and made their four go like a train.
    • MJ142x as Arran said’ lots of horses in that boat’, meaning strong. A win by a massive 20 seconds and a comeback from a year off, well done.
  • Thanks to the amazing coxes who stuck in and never complained despite the conditions.

The Hermitage session tonight will consist of 30 mins rate 22 for the boys.

Good luck to Bobbi Forster and Joseph Adamson who both travel to Boston this weekend to take part in the second round of assessments. Both will compete in singles on the Saturday then in a double and a pair respectively on the Sunday. Also, good luck to our masters men in the 8 at Tyne Head and a women’s quad who will also be racing, I hope the weather is kinder than last weekend.

The sign-up for the CLS regatta will happen in the next week also.

For those parents who have children selected to go to JIRR in Nottingham, attached is more information and more will follow from us shortly.
