Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

The boys will do 4x 1500m on the erg tonight- the March plan will be out later today on FB.

The committee and coaching team are meeting this week to determine which regattas each squad will attend this coming season. There will be a list published later next week so you can plan holidays etc. There will be some negotiating happening with coaches and athletes in an effort to focus who rows in what crew at the major championships this season, to that end, we look to make more firm decisions after the Inter-regional regatta in 4 weeks time. We select crews on performance and how well we think they can perform as we don’t send crews to these events if we believe that they will not do themselves justice or feel that they haven’t performed well, this could harm their future confidence.

Finally, well done to Roman Bowery who won the mj14 4x+ at York Head on Saturday, also to Angela Harrison, Peter Harrison and Rachel Lombard who also competed in composites on the day.

