Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

Congratulations to those who competed at Nithsdale Regatta on Saturday, the club managed four wins with many all CLS finals and some excellent maiden races for our younger athletes. The wj132x, wj144x+, wj14 1x and wj12 1x all managed to win a trophy at a venue that is one of my favourites.

Please wish Joseph Adamson and Dean Slater luck as they attend the GB vs France j16 selection trial in Nottingham on Sunday. It doesn’t feel like one year ago that our wj16 crew pulled off the first GB selection for CLS in some 12 years.

The session at Hermitage tonight will consist of 10 x 500m with a 2 minute rest for the boys along with circuits etc.

Talkin Tarn information will be send out through the week.

The annual presentation night takes place on Friday 8th September at Chilton Moor Country Club, the tickets are £13 each and include a disco and hot buffet. Due to the rapid growth in members this will be a first come first served basis, Kay Hall (cc’d above) will be collecting money over the weekend, you can reserve you ticket for £5 then the balance is due on 10th August. It should be a good event as always.
