Head Coach weekly update

Hermitage session tonight, thanks for a successful Lakeland Camp, our regatta is on the horizon, Water Safety Week and Learn to row starts next week…

Dear all,
What a few weeks gone and what a few weeks to go…
  • The Hermitage session tonight will be a 45 minute ergo rate 22-26 changing rate every 2 mins for the j15+. All other younger athletes will do 2 x 10 minutes as well as circuits and spinning.
  • Huge thanks to everyone involved in helping with the Lakeland Camp at the weekend. It was a resounding success. (Please see link below for more information. The members showed  how great they all were when they were called upon in helping nearly 50 new rowers and teaching them all they know.
  • Our regatta looks to be the biggest in our history with 304 entries from over 15 clubs (that’s more than Durham Regatta in one day), races coming down every 2 minutes. Please show your support and attend if possible  (see press release below). I have also attached the entries and crews as well as the draw. Please let myself or Colin  know if there are any issues. (Cakes and tombola prizes are needed please too).
  •  The club was visited by the County Durham Fire brigade yesterday as part of ‘Water Safety Week’ (please see below link), this coincides with the purchase and now delivery of our new safety/coaching launch last week which looks to be an excellent piece of equipment.
Oarsome effort – firefighters and rowers join forces to boost river safety (From Durham Advertiser)
FIREFIGHTERS and rowers have joined forces to urge people to stay safe around the region’s rivers.
I don’t think I have experienced a busier or more productive time at the club. Let’s make this weekend great.
(Head Coach CLSARC)