Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

From a rowing point of view, we were hit with a few injuries and steering problems and in anyone’s book, six wins is great but as we were so spoilt at Durham, we can’t feel that this is below what we expect. There were some excellent performances from crews that we hadn’t expected, as the club closes a series that we have performed very well in.

The coaches are having a meeting later this week to discuss Junior Inter-regional crews in an effort to make sure that the juniors are ready between now and March and have a focus. I will circulate these next week.

Please remember that the Christmas Party tickets are now on sale and if you wish to buy one, please see Bob Young either tonight or at any training session. There is an excellent buffet and the tickets are priced at £10 each.

Many thanks to those who have donated money for various fundraising events that have been put in place over the last few weeks. Last night we were awarded the money to purchase a club gazebo and four sets of sculling blades, thanks to your generosity and hard work. Please watch for more fundraising opportunities happening over the next few weeks.

The coaching team is looking to expand. We would like anyone who is interested in helping, either being on the landing, help lift and shift boats, or some in the launch to see what it’s all about. Please let Arran or myself know if you haven’t already.

We have two athletes (who both made personal bests this week over 2k) who head down to Boston for first round Great Britain Trials, and this marks the long process which we hope is successful and both Eve Larsen and Joseph Adamson enjoy. Please join me in wishing them luck if you see them.

Rutherford Head is on a week on Saturday and as the race limits those who are young and their opportinuity to take part, we only have a handful of crews. There are no singles or doubles at this event. I will send out the crew lists on Facebook this week.
