Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

The Hermitage session tonight will be 2x 5k free rate ergs with no warm up for the boys (one minute rest in between).

The capsize drill, which as you know is a legal requirement for all members, is on the 20th December at Birtley Swimming Pool, and is actually good fun. Please complete the link below to register:


The Junior Inter-Regional Regatta trial will take place on the 10th February @ Cambois Rowing club.  The regatta itself will take place on the 21st April @ National water sports Centre Nottingham, so please make sure you complete the link below to confirm your availability for both events; this is so your coach can make early plans to form crews next week. There are ten weeks from now until the trial…


Many thanks to those of you who have supported our various fundraising drives over the past months. Simon has worked to make sure we have the best chance to raise as much as possible to go towards our total. There was a committee meeting last night so more information will follow on the website and Facebook pages, but in the meantime, there is a message below from Simon:

Unfortunately, we were not successful in the Aviva Community Fund vote. However, they are going to give us £100 in recognition of all our hard work!!
The other fundraiser we have running at the minute is the Chronicle Make a Wish Campaign. We will get a % of £25,000 depending on how many tokens we collect. We are up against some big charities here, but let’s get behind this one for a final push to the finish. We will definitely get something back from them. It runs until 6 January 2018, look out for bonus token days which will really boost our final numbers.

Tickets for the Christmas Party are still available from Bob Young for £10 each including an excellent buffet on the 22nd December at Biddick Club.

Many thanks,