Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

Firstly, the club has received brilliant news this week as we have had two juniors nominated for the Spring Assessments in Nottingham with a view for selection at the Munich International Regatta for Team GB as well as having four athletes selected to attend the GB J16 camp in Nottingham also. With these selections, we are the most represented club in the country across both GB team assessments. There is still a great deal of hard work to be done to gain selection but the signs are very promising.

Roman Bowery and Caitlin Warren are the two j15’s selected for the GB camp (one year early) and Sam Graham along with Ellie Hall have been invited to the camp also as actual j16’s. This without the Spring Assessment invites is an impressive piece of news but the fact that Joseph Adamson and Eve Larsen have both been invited makes it even more significant. I know I tend to over use hyperbole and am over-optimistic occasionally but in the 25 years I have been part of this club if I popped ahead to 2018 to see what’s happening, I wouldn’t believe it; this coupled with the imminent movement on the development of the clubhouse is brilliant.

The session tonight on the water has been cancelled though the erg room will be open for the girls and the boys can do their video feedback from Sunday’s session on the water from 5. The Hermitage session is on as usual at 7pm; I hope that the river level will be rowable on Thursday.

Holly Young has asked that all of those who are involved in her study to be on stand-by as her assessor is coming to conduct the survey. She will be contacting you directly over the next few days via email.

The club is having a Junior Learn-to-Row course over the Spring starting in a few weeks, as ever, the course is free and will hopefully encourage some 11-18 year olds to see what our club is all about. I have already created an event on Facebook with the link to the sign-up on the website- which is below. Please share this as best you can and see me if you want to put a poster up somewhere relevant.

Many thanks,