Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

Last weekend was extremely busy in relation to sessions and racing. With a relatively modest entry (18) the club went to Durham City Regatta and came back with seven wins over two days. Report to follow on website.

There is no Hermitage session tonight so there will be circuits and ergs at the club at the usual time (please bring £2 as usual). Bring trainers as there will be no access to the water tonight due to the steps being finished.

Tees happens his weekend (entries attached and draw below). There will be no access to the water this Sunday due to a Sea Cadet canoe Regatta so the last boat needs to be off the water in the adult session at 8.30am. The junior session will be land based.

Please see below a note from Arran Lewcock (Captain).

Have a good week.

A note for the membership:

Over the past few months the rowing at the club has been phenomenal and continues to grow year on year, which is great as we are in essence a rowing club!

However with this success I have also noticed that both my own and a vast majority of the volunteers (this been the key word) at the club have had an astronomical rise in none rowing issues to deal with.

After all this is a club and we are all members regardless of what positions are held we are all responsible for how we and those under our care act around the club and how we contribute to improve the club. This is the main thing I would like us all to reflect upon and consider.

Yes I am standing in as captain until the AGM, yes I am a coach, first and foremost however we are members the same as everyone else. I fear that sometimes we lose sight of that.

This hasn’t been written in an angrily or in reaction to anything specific, it has been written more as a call to arms for us all as members to work together to make a club where all members can ENJOY what we are doing, because that’s what I do it for…. I enjoy it! If I didn’t I wouldn’t be here.

