Head coach weekly update

Talkin Tarn Regatta

The club took a strong team to the regatta near Carlisle. The club managed nine wins but I’m sure with a little assistance from the VAR it would have been at least two more. There were some outstanding races from all squads top to bottom. Thanks to both trailer drivers Brian Webb and Adrian Farley who didn’t see their own homes until 10pm. We only look forward to our own regatta in September now though there is the small matter of British Champs and GB final selection in between.

GB Crew Selection

The GB selection trial process began in October of last year with an ergo test and a water trial at Boston. In between there have been four training camps, three residential assessments and a great deal of training and support for both Eve Larsen and Joseph Adamson on the way. The final effort takes place from Thursday to Monday when the pair will be tested and raced to see whether or not they will represent GB late in the summer. Please wish them luck.

Parents’ Water Sessions

Starting tonight, the coaches will invite parents to jump in the launch for a trip to see what we coaches do out on the water. This could act as a way to encourage parents to help coach and if anyone has ever been curious, to actually see what we do. Please either reply to myself or speak to a member of the coaching team if you want to take part.

A few Reminders

-The session on Sunday will be land based so bring your trainers
-The AGM takes place a week tomorrow so please do attend if you are free at the Riverside Sports Complex at the cricket ground.
-Please make sure your children don’t bring any expensive items or any valuables to training sessions if possible and ensure phones etc are stored in lockers
– There is a Windermere meeting tonight at the Hermitage School at 6.45

Have a good week