Head coach weekly update

Hello all,

CLSARC Regatta

The club hosted six clubs from around the region and Scotland on Saturday as the weather stayed reasonably dry (aside two hours rain) in our rescheduled regatta that was cancelled in April. It was a great team effort lead by regatta secretary Brian Webb who was running a tight ship as the racing finished only 20 minutes over schedule. Parents and members all ensured it was an enjoyable affair and their volunteering ensured the regatta ran. Thanks to those behind the catering and marshalling on the bankside too and in what has become the norm, CLS won the most races at the event; 12 in total with many of them singles and younger events.

Huge congratulations must go to Alex, Charlie, Ben, Rosie, and Zach to name a few who have come through our very successful learn-to-row programme and all of the coaches concerned that have helped them in the last month or so. The future of the club seems to be in safe hands with the younger generation coming good.


Over six consecutive weekends, the club take its athletes around the region from Tees to Tyne and Berwick for the sculling series, of which we have won the overall series for the last five years, in an effort to prepare for GB junior trials and again just show how dominant we are as a club at sculling across all ages. Entries will be published this week.

New Single

As the club looks to develop both our sculling and range of kit available I am excited to say we take delivery of our first Fillippi as a club boat. This indicates our ambition as a club and the message that we can provide competitive equipment for all members to use. I will issue more details about its suitability for athletes but the rule of thumb is, we must be careful with it and make sure it stays shiny for as long as possible.


The club is delighted to have a healthy number of coaches again and we would like to thank and welcome, Rhianne Warren, Callum Clark, David Cleugh and Craig Fawcett to the team.

— Steven.