Head coach weekly update

blade_clsarc_3Training camp for 2016, race deposit, 24 hour row and A-Level congratulations…

Dear all,

The club is looking to hold the 2016 summer training camp in Holland. As with all new ventures, there may be grey areas but we are looking for a response to see if there is enough interest to go-ahead; nothing is booked as yet. The Holland training camp will be, as we keep trying to do, a step-up from Windermere, as it boasts the following:

– A fully fitted gym incase the lake is un-rowable

– A safe and relatively wind-free 2k lake as well as a 10k stretch of river to train on

– Excellent accommodation

– Relatively easy access to the ferry (a 1 hour coach trip)

– Ferry from Newcastle to Amsterdam the coach to the club. 2 days travelling then 5 days rowing.

As with Windermere, the cost of the camp will be kept as low as possible and similar to the current camp, isn’t profit making.

The approximate cost of the camp would be around £400. The start and end date is31st July-6th Aug. Please email either myself, Lee or Colin if you would be interested in your child attending.

Please also make note of the following message from the committee regarding entry fees for regattas and heads this season:

‘Our membership over the past few years is growing as has our race entries. As a result we have bought a new trailer which will enable the club to have access to more boats at the many events we enter.
Therefore a decision has been made to collect from each member who competes a race deposit of £20.
This will be an up front payment which will ensure that the club has enough assets to pay race fees in advance.
Race fees will be collected as normal and no entries will be made… for persons who have not paid for the previous event regardless of the deposit.
This will take immediate effect.’

Please remember that our 24 hour row takes place on Friday at 6pm ending Saturday at 6pm, please support all of our members and if anyone needs a spare sponsorship form see me.

Lastly, congratulations to those who have worked hard and have succeeded in getting what they wanted from their A-Level results.