Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

Firstly, massive congratulations to Lauren Irwin who is now British Champion in the u19 Girls Quad event. Lauren lined up at the Senior Championships on Sunday in the B final and competed against past and present Olympians and claimed a gold medal in her composite boat. This is the clubs first Senior National medal since a good looking young man did it some 10 years ago. Current member of Reading Uni and CLS ex junior Amy Fuller competed in the womens student 4x also.

The races at Tees last weekend saw the club claim an impressive six trophies with eight category wins in total for the day and a fastest boat of the day prize too; this strengthens our grip on the series victor lodorum prize for a third year in a row.

This weekend the club goes to Tyne for the LDS and Tyne United SBH (directions and times on the Tyne ARC website and the list of boats and blades are attached). There will be no session on at the club on Saturday but there will be one as normal on Sunday. http://www.nerowing.com/lds2015.html (8.30 meeting time if you are racing in the morning division)

Our club presentation night is this Saturday and if anyone hasn’t paid their balance for tickets, please do so asap, and if you are interested in coming, please let Sue or Bob know asap. Also if you have any raffle prizes, please pass these on to Sue also.

The winter session timetable comes into effect on Sunday (please see the facebook post and I will email it out).

If any of the older juniors are free on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th next week at 9 am at Maiden Castle to help with teaching some students learning to row.

Many thanks
