Head coach weekly update

blade_clsarc_3Dear all,

Firstly, the session at the Hermitage tonight will be 3 x 10 mins at rate 20 with 2 mins rest for the boys and Arran has the girls session. There will be circuits and spinning for all.

Last Saturday saw the final race of the long distance sculling series at South Hylton. Despite the rain, the club managed three overall victories with many others winning but not getting a trophy. Many juniors used this race as a dry run of the GB trial at Boston next week. Special mention must go to Harry Graham and Jake Wood for their winning the entire event winning the fastest boat of the day for the first time in our new quad.

The club won the Victor Ludorum for the third successive year for the seniors and was two points from winning the junior trophy too. By far statistically, the club was the most successful in the region at this event as we won one and came second in another event; thanks must go to the hardy helpers who coped in all conditions and on six weekends in a row towing trailers, supporting, ferrying and encouraging.

The club welcomes the GB Junior Performance Head Coach on Thursday to test the ‘many girls’ as he put it, on the GB trial programme and we hope that as many of you are there being as impressive as ever.

