Head coach weekly update

blade_clsarc_3Dear all,

The session will be 8 x 1k pieces for the boys with a 1 minute rest at rate 30 (the younger boys will do half of this).

There was some excellent racing on Saturday and the club improved its already growing reputation as having the following:

  1. More entries than any other club at the event
  2. The only club to have no scratchings (withdrawls)
  3. Having six wins
  4. Having the most senior boats enter at the event
  5. Winning the fastest girls boat of the day
  6. Having 10 crews racing well at under 15 level
  7. Showing the best support
  8. Helping three other club lending equipment and athletes
  9. Having one athlete (Lauren Irwin) race at at GB pairs matrix the following day and finishing as the third fastest bowside

All of the coaches and officials of the club were proud of the way everyone conducted themselves.

There is also a parents meeting on Sunday 14th February at CLS Rugby Club Bar at 10am for general questions about how the juniors will be running this year.

