Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

Last week the club took junior athletes to Ponteland Head and I am pleased to say that the club managed two wins with the focus of the race on allowing new crews experience and younger athletes to race. Joseph Adamson mj151x and Mark Shaw and Thomas Dowson mj152x will now go on to represent the region at the JIRR Champs in Nottingham (again 5 crews beats any other club and school in the region for boat at the regatta). Well done to the wj14 squad with only a few seconds from wins with most of their crews. Dean, Maximus and James also in their first shorter races for the club also rowed very well.

The men’s 8 containing 4 juniors raced to a solid 168th place starting from 304th, the crew managed to climb the order to place well for the start of next year (also the club’s highest finish at the HORR).

Lauren Irwin is in Nottingham for Junior Great Britain Assessments all week, please look at the Facebook page for updates.

Eve Larsen also is attending the Great Britain Under 16 Training Camp this week also as she continues to impress with good performances racing against girls often two years her senior.

On Friday there were a huge number of CLS athletes competing at the Junior Indoor Champs too, with one very impressive regional record from Caitlin Warren winning gold, a bronze for Nicole and a gold for Eve Larsen also.

The Hermitage session happens tonight with circuits and spinning etc, and also a note from our Chairman that you can buy CLS Regatta Tshirts at £7 from Hermitage tonight.

The club is also attending Nithsdale Regatta so please tell your coach if you are available.

