Head coach weekly update

blade_clsarc_3Dear all,

The session tonight will be 12 x 250m for the boys on the ergos. We also welcome back Will Sisterson from University who will help coach the S and C as well as James Hewitt.

As most of you know the regatta was cancelled on Saturday and Sunday after various attempts from the race committee to get something together. Thanks to the tombola and catering team, we managed to raise over £300 which goes some way to help recover the cost of the regatta. The committee is meeting next week to try to get another event organised and also look at ways to raise some funds to cover the cost of not having the event.

Nithsdale Regatta is the next weekend and the junior Inter-regional Championships take place on Saturday in Nottingham, then on Sunday, the GB assessments continue for Eve Larsen and Lauren Irwin. It will be a busy few days for all involved and we wish all athletes involved every success.

Please let coaches know also if your child is free to race at Durham City Regatta in three weeks time.

Congratulations to Craig Dowson and Louise Heckels who now make up the biggest coaching team in the region and arguably the most successful and happy.
