Spring regatta draw

Hello all,

Thank you all for the tremendous response we have had to our regatta (over 320 entries) and we look forward to seeing you all on the day. I have attached a copy of the draw for the day, please note that we will start racing at 8.00 am with races approximately every three minutes.

We are using the new completion framework for this regatta, so you will notice that some events have an additional classification in the event (eg B1, B2), this is where I have split the race according to the Crew Ranking Index (CRI) on BROE, so hopefully we will have rowers of same experience racing together. For the Masters entries I have used a combination of masters handicap (eg C, D) / CRI depending on the event, (Master A events are based on CRI).

Unfortunately due to large number of entries, I have had to reject those races that have three or less entries following the official closure (excluding Masters), this is due to safety considerations (restriction on the landing stage) and need to finish before it gets dark.

For those entries that have already paid in this category, we will refund the full amount.

For those who have not paid, please do so before the regatta.

Note that the course is 450m for J13 and below and 900m for the rest.

Many thanks
Brian Webb – Chester-le-Street ARC

See regatta page for further details.