Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

After some very strong entries from the club, the masters squad attended the equivalent of their National championships, unfortunately there were no medals but some strong finish positions- something to build on for next year. Results below:

NC A-C 1x – Band 2
Rank: 3 04:40.46 Lane 5 CLS 500m 02:22.90 [5] Chester le Street ARC A Farley

NC A-C 4x-
Rank: 4 04:03.20 Lane 3 CLS 500m 01:58.80 [5] Chester le Street ARC – Adamson, White, Dowson, Wilson

NC D-F 1x – Band 3
Rank: 4 05:53.45 Lane 5 CLS 500m 03:03.20 [4] Chester le Street ARC D Lombard

NC D-F 4x- – Band 1
Rank: 5 04:12.61 Lane 3 CLS 500m DNA Chester le Street ARC – Harrison, Hall, Richardson,Twycross

2x B Rank: 3 01:20.96 Lane 3 CLS 500m 02:03.10 [3] Chester le Street ARC – white, Shipley

Rachel lombard also raced for TURC in w4x- finishing fourth in her event.

The Hermitage Session Resumes

The Hermitage session resumes this week after a 6 week absence and as a result I expect a busy session as most exams have now come to a close. The focus is now on the British Championships and j16 GB Vs France trials next weekend. Sessions will continue as normal but with less boats available due to Nithsdale regatta this weekend.

Nithsdale Regatta

The Nithsdale regatta entries are attached with the draw and directions also below. This is a great regatta, one of my favourites as a junior, though you need to take care as steering needs to be perfect otherwise you meet the bank…You need to be at the trailer at least one hour before boating time.


As the club and indeed the coaching team is growing, I would like to see if there is any interest from anyone in either learning to become a coach/assistant coach or be a ‘hand’ on the landing. Either position is formal or really requires a great deal of commitment but it would be great to see someone volunteer once a week just to handle boats on the landing. If anyone is interested and can commit any time no matter how minimal, please email me to let me know. I will also be running some boat handling sessions over the next few months for all squads to try and avoid damage.

Park View Facilities and Offers

Dear all please see below some information from our schools liaison officer Holly Young:

Last night the committee gave Holly Young the green light to offer massage and injury screening to all athletes at the club! If you would like more information on what’s on offer and costs please contact Holly directly. Contact info; hollyyoung521@yahoo.co.uk

Park View Academy of Sport have invited the club on Tuesday 26th June to their facilities to take part in a different type of fitness session. The academy has offered their expertise and specialist equipment to provide various fitness tests to all club members.

Family Fun Rowing Event

For me, every session should be ‘fun’. Chris Telford is heading up a session on either a Sunday or Saturday where anyone can get involved in participating in some informal racing event after Tarn Regatta. All will be invited where crews are comprised or families and boats with mixed ages and abilities (even if your not a family). More details will follow but even if you haven’t been in a boat before and part of you wants to see what it’s all about, this is the event for you.

Have a good week.